Saturday, July 28, 2012


Assalamulaikum. Entry aku hari ini aku mau tulis pasal movie pula. Hari ini banyak genre movie yang main di pawagam. Cinta, perang, komedi dan lain-lain. Pendapat aku, ada movie yang best dan ada movie yang boring dan ada juga movie yang kita akan tonton sekali saja lepas tu kita tidak mau tengok lagi.

Genre movie yang aku minat pula ialah perang, komedi dan yang mempunyai pengajaran. Aku suka tengok movie gini sebab aku yakin movie-movie seperti begini orang akan tetap mau tengok 10 tahun kemudian berbanding movie-movie sekarang ni yang aku rasa aku hanya akan tengok sekali saja lepas tu tidak mau suda. Sebab movie-movie sekarang bagi pendapat aku jalan cerita dia klise dan predictable, tiada kelainan menyebabkan ianya menjadi tidak menarik. Ini kerana movie-movie sekarang terpaksa mengikuti peredaran masa di mana pada zaman ini, orang tidak lagi suka menonton wayang-wayang yang berat sebab dorang malas mau berfikir.

Oklah. Aku rasa sampai sini saja la untuk hari ni. Malas suda aku mau taip. Assalamualikum semua.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

my own top 10 list of inspiring movies that i have wathced and you should watch it too.....

number 10 in my list is YES MAN :

below is this movie trailer..

if you watched this movie, at the start of it you will think that this is just like any other ordinary hollywood movie. but, as it progress it really motivated you to become a positive man... ok this is how this story began, is about a bank employee (Jim Carrey) who kept saying no to everything in his life until an experience in a motivational seminar changes him to say Yes! to everything that comes his way. i want to asked you, how many times do you say no in life??? do you realized if you say no you shut other oppurtunities without realizing it?? i recommend you to watch this movie...

number 9 in my list is Saving Private Ryan :

below is this movie trailer:

this movie is quite unique i think becacuse it use ordinary people that is private as it starring not like other war movie that use LT. and etc... this movie teach you that if you are determined you can archieve what you want...this movie starts with part where the mother expect to have all of her son death in the battlefield.. but then realized that one on his son still alive and the chief send 8 people to find Private James Ryan to send him back to his family....

number 9 movie in my list is Meet The Robinsons : 

below is this movie trailer : 

If you already watched this movie, you will realized that this movie is quite unique than any other cartoon movie.. this is because the storyline of this movie is quite different and sentimental also.. i like motto that is " keep moving forward " .. this movie teach you that you childhood meant everything because it is the key to you bright future... ok, this movie start with Lewis who was being thrown by his own mother while he was a baby and end up at foster home... he really struggle to find a family because everytime he want to be adopted he will schrew it and finally he end up being adopted by his own teacher..

Number 8 on my list is I AM LEGEND : 

below is this movie trailer : 

i really like this movie because i think the storyline of this movie is really unique than any other hollywood movies.. this movie teach you that you really need friends in life and you will be struggle to live alone in this earth.. i also admire Will Smith acting skill because almost half of this movie being acting by him alone.. you really need a high acting skill to do that.. ok, this movie started with Robert who is destined to live in the earth alone because of the outbreak.. and he determined to find the survivors and his only friend was only his dog..


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

this is because of assignment....

assalamualaikum i feel like i want to write in english.. because i want to test my english language power...eventhough my grammar didnt good... from now on i want to concentrate on LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION so that i can improve on my grammar ...haha

ok this time, i want to talk about my college.. the truth is i still fell regret because i cannot furthur my study in engineering course.. i really want to study in engineering course especially mechanical engineering. but then i think, if i furthur my study in engineering will i managed to understand because as i concern in school my automotive study, i didnt passed is brilliantly. but you never try you never know..

but the biggest regret that i facing is that i did not get a offer from IPTA... i really want to furthur my study in Univercity Tekonolgi Malaysia (UTM) or at least UITM....

but after this while i started to realised that studying in INSTITUT PENDIDIKAN GURU KAMPUS GAYA is quite fine or best....because all of my friend are busy with their exam, i still can watched movie at night or online because i have no exam...hahaha... in conclusion, my regret of registrating in IPG are now gone...haha... and now i start to love teaching course.... PROUD TO BE A TEACHER...

ok chow...i want to continue doing my assignment....assalamualikum

Monday, October 10, 2011

kereta yg aku mau sangat2

aku ni jarang sekali mau meng'update' blog ni. tpi tidak tau kenapa ari ni tiba2 plak da mood mau buat blog. mungkin sebab otak aku jammed kali sekarang mau buat assignment essay haha...

ok back to the topic, aku ada 3 kereta idaman yg aku mau. tpi ini bukan kereta idaman aku btl2 la.. aku mau ni kereta sbb ianya saja yg realistic dan yg aku mampu. klu kereta betul2 mmg la aku mau ferrari ka BMW ka.. ish, melalut lagi.. ok back lagi balik to the topic..  3 kereta yg aku mau tu ialah yg first skali aku mau PROTON SATRIA NEO CPS.. tpi klu x dpt ni kereta kedua aku mau PROTON PERSONA ELEGENCE.. klu ni pun x dpt aku mau ni la PROTON SAGA BLM SE...

ni nah gambar kereta yg aku mau tu :

ni kereta pnya kelajuan bleh mencecah 205 km/j..part d dalam dia smau hampir lotus yg pasang. kerusi pun bucket seat..aku suka warna ni sbb tak paya mau modified bnyk lgi.. tinggal tinted hitam cermin dan tukar bonet hitam.cantik dah... tpi harga dia bikin sakit kepala hurmm RM 63000...mana tahan klu beli.. boleh tu boleh la..tpi main paksa la...tpi mana tahan ari2 makan maggie..jdi aku rasa aku x akan dpt guna ni kereta la.. hurmm...tapi x apa, nnti klu aku suda jadi cikgu aku beli jgk ni kereta..haha

ni kereta nama dia PROTON kereta pun aku sngt2 mau... aku rasa ni 50-50 la...mampu pun mcm bleh jgk tpi still consider lgi la... harap2 dpt la..AMIN... ok ni kereta pnya top speed lebih kurang la mcm ni NEO tu 195km/j... aku suka ni warna pun sbb aku rasa tak perlu bnyk modified lgi.. cuma tinggal tinted cermin dgn tukar headlight la pegi putih... harga ni kereta plak klu tak silap lebih kurang RM55000 la.. ccm lebih kurang 590 sebulan..tpi deposit dia yg bikin sakit... RM 5000 aduhh...haha... aku suka ni kereta sbb dia da GPS standard dgn adjustible seat...mantap...

ni kereta nama dia SAGA SE...aku pun tak tau mcm mana aku bleh minat ni kereta...mungkin sbb aku slalu nmpk org gna kot... cantik jgk ni kereta...harga dia RM 45000...ccm lebih kurang RM450 gitu la... klu dua2 di atas tu x dpt bru aku harap aku dpt ni kreta...haha

in conclusion...aku harap2 sangat yg aku dpt ni kereta d atas...skrg aku tgh persuade family aku la ni...haha...harap2 dpt la..tpi nmpk gaya mcm x dpt ja tu...hurmmm...tpi mudah-mudahan la...amin...tpi klu dpt ni kereta pun kena pikir bnyk lgi... minyak mcm mana mau isi, road tax klu mati lagi la sakit, nak service lagi...hahaha....mmg klu pikir2 mcm aku x mampu ja...haha... k chow... ndak tau lgi la bila mau update ni blog...haha
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